Friday, September 24, 2010



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Online Alert!
Call for unity and solidarity!

Read and forward it to your friends !

Alerta online!
Apel la unitate si solidaritate!

Citeste si da mai departe prietenilor tai!

1-English language version

Versiunea in limba romana este la punctul 2

In infinite universe, we are here on the blue planet as some clear targets, placed at random and unpredictable.
Hard times are coming upon us-Save the planet!
The danger may come from outer space as an asteroid, of harmful sunlight, as a wave field or destructive energy, as an alien invasion, or even here on Earth in the form of volcanic eruptions, tsunamis waves, hurricanes, typhoons, floods, earthquakes, land slides and diving, and incurable disease epidemics, pandemics, terrorist attacks, wars, fires, explosions of any kind even nuclear, environmental disasters, economic crises, famine, drought and lack of water, social convulsion, in the form of food with high content of toxic synthetic substances, of chemicals, or genetically modified,in the form of polluted air with noxious poisons both for humans, for animals and vegetation, in the form of soil and water polluted with technological waste and chemical or radioactive waste or with garbage that are true or outbreaks of infection, or by environment polluted with sound waves and electro-magnetic nature, by the negative energy and malefic attacks, or attacks from the entities, by other superior civilizations against the human civilization with whom, we share the planet, or by gangster attacks, acts of violence and criminal intent, rape, attacks against: humanity, social communities, public order, resources and energy systems, defense and security, communications and transport, agricultural crops and livestock and poultry farms, water networks, electricity, gas and sewage, the state property and private, human dignity, morality, justice and social equity, freedom of opinion, expression and movement, the environment, etc..
All these may occur at any time with or without our will, of natural or artificial causes ie as a consequence of human factor caused directly at order, or indirectly as a result of human error.
I think the time has arrived now in the early of the third millennium, we all the people of the planet as good brothers between us, we must change the current attitude that puts money above spirit, attitude of which leads to the dehumanization of the individual in his quest to get rich at any cost, even with that of step over corpses, human suffering over and over graves filled with bones and as such we work together and with all whatever skin color, nationality or religious seek, to do debt of honor of our generation to secure and preserve the life on our planet Earth.
On our planet the will of the people, must to will develop a program of emergency measures to solve in tight deadlines all the unpredictable situations dangerous for life on Earth, which we described above.
All natural resources of soil and subsoil, but especially the human resources, and the time, money, energy and creative intelligence of the people, all they should be serving humanity and to save our human civilization from a worldwide catastrophe that can come and under as a total destructive nuclear war.

Now is the time to be calm, lucid and to focus all attention on the future of the mankind.
You must hurry because the time is short!

For the first visit INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY CLUB and register in 2 minutes in this club:

We expect you at INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY CLUB, together we can do many useful changes in the life and our planet!

View and this blog, you will find very interesting things:

Just to see what can happen I invite you to view the videos below, open the links:

1-December 21 2012 THE END:

2-Apophis 99942 The Killer Asteroid of 2036:


4-Tsunami Disaster :

5-Volcano Eruption in Iceland:

6-The aliens are fallen angels bright:

View and the blog:

2-Versiunea in limba romana:

In universul infinit, noi aici pe planeta albastra suntem ca si niste tinte sigure plasate la voia intamplarii si a imprevizibilului.
Vin vremuri grele peste noi-Salvati planeta!
Pericolul poate sa vina din cosmos sub forma unui asteroid, a unor raze solare nocive, a unui camp de unde sau de energie distructiv, a unei invazii extraterestre, ori chiar de aici de pe Terra sub forma unor eruptii vulcanice, valuri tzunami, uragane, taifune, inundatii, cutremure, alunecari si scufundari de terenuri, epidemii, pandemii si boli incurabile, atacuri teroriste, razboaie, incendii, explozii de orice fel chiar si nucleare, catastrofe ecologice, crize economice, foamete, seceta si lipsa de apa, convulsii sociale, sub forma unor produse alimentare cu continut mare de E-uri, sau de substante chimice, ori modificate genetic, sub forma de aer poluat cu noxe otravitoare atat pentru organismul uman cat si pentru regnul vegetal si animal, de soluri si de ape poluate cu reziduuri tehnologice si deseuri chimice sau radioactive ori cu gunoaie care sunt adevarate focare de infectie, de mediu poluat cu unde sonore si de natura electro-magnetica, de atacuri energetice negative sau malefice, de atacuri din partea unor entitati, sau a altei civilizatii superioare noua cu care impartim planeta, de atacuri talharesti, de acte de violenta si de intentii criminale, de violuri, de atacuri la adresa a umanitatii, comunitatilor sociale, a ordinii publice, a resurselor si sistemului energetic, de aparare si de securitate, a comunicatiilor si transporturilor, a culturilor agricole si a fermelor de pasari si de animale, a retelelor de apa, electrice, de gaze si de canalizare, a proprietatii de stat si private, a demnitatii umane, a moralitatii, dreptatii si echitatii sociale, a libertatii de opinie, de exprimare si de miscare, a mediului inconjurator, etc.
Toate aceste pot sa apara oricand cu sau fara voia noastra, din cauze naturale, sau din cauze artificiale adica provocate de om in mod direct intentionat sau indirect ca o consecinta a unor erori umane.
Eu consider ca a sosit momentul ca acum la inceputul mileniului III, noi toti oamenii de pe planeta ca si frati buni intre noi, trebuie sa ne schimbam atitudinea actuala care pune banul mai presus de spirit atitudine care conduce la dezumanizarea individului in goana sa dupa inavutirea cu orice pret, chiar si cu acela de a calca peste cadavre, peste suferintele umane si peste mormintele pline cu oseminte si ca atare sa ne unim eforturile si impreuna cu totii indiferent de culoarea pilelii, de nationalitate sau de confesiunea religioasa sa cautam sa ne ducem la bun sfarsit datoria de onoare care revine generatiei noastre si anume de a securiza si sa conserva viata pe planeta noastra Terra.
Pe planeta noastra VOINTA CETATENILOR, trebuie sa elaboreze de urgenta un Program cu masuri si termene stranse de realizare pentru toate situatiile imprevizibile periculoase pentru viata pe Terra, pe care le-am prezentat mai sus.
Toate resursele naturale ale solului si subsolului, dar mai ales cele umane, timpul, banii, energia si inteligenta creatoare a oamenilor, toate acestea trebuie puse in slujba umanitatii si a salvariii civilizatiei nostre umane de la o catastrofa mondiala, care poate sa vina si sub forma unui razboi nuclear total distructiv.

Acum este momentul sa fim calmi, lucizi si sa ne concentram cu totii atentia asupra viitorului omenirii.
Trebuie sa va grabiti pentru ca timpul este scurt!

Pentru inceput viziteaza Clubul Solidaritatea si inscrie-te in club:

Te asteptam la Clubul Solidaritatea, impreuna putem sa facem multe transformari utile in viata si pe planeta noastra!

Viziteaza si blogul acesta, vei gasi lucruri foarte interesante:

Doar ca sa vezi ce se poate intampla te invit sa vizionezi cele 5 filme de scurta durata de mai jos, deschide linkurile:

1-December 21 2012 THE END:

2-Apophis 99942 The Killer Asteroid of 2036:


4-Tsunami Disaster :

5-Volcano Eruption in Iceland:

6-Extraterestii sunt ingerii luminosi cazuti:

Vezi si blogul:

About me: